DREDGING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED - DCIL is looking for dynamic, resultoriented professionals with proven track record for the following positions on contract basis.
Dredging Corporation of India Limited (DCI) is a pioneer organisation in the field of dredging and maritime development. Its Head Office is strategically situated on the East Coast of India at Visakhapatn am; DCI endeavours to provide integrated dredging and related marine services for promoting the national and international maritime trade, beach nourishment, reclamation, inland dredging, environment protection, etc. and to become a global operator in the dredging business. In order to meet the increasing demands of the future, DCI has ambitious plans to procure more Trailer Suction Hopper Dredgers to increase its dredging capacity and to upgrade its existing fleet as well as expand its services in India an d abroad. With a dedicated team of professionally qualified and experienced personnel, who constitute the backbone of the organisation, DCI is fully geared to meet the dredging challenges in the time to come and is confidently looking forward for a bright future.
● Project Manager for Inland Dredging Works - 04
● Hydrographic Surveyeor for Inland Dredging works - 08
● Project Consultants (Operations/ Projects) - 02
● Information Technology Consultant - 01
● Legal Consultant - 01
● Resident Manager - 01
● Assistant Company Secretary - 01
Interested candidates may visit our website https://www.dredge-india.com
◆ Last date for receipt of applications by email is 03.05.2023.